41 Vital Cold Email Statistics For 2022 - Improve Your Emails

You can set realistic targets by using the industry average open rate.

Mailchimp have researched open rates for email marketing campaigns and found that the variation can range from 15.22% to 28.46%. This data can be depending on industry.


Open rates skyrocket with catchy subject lines

Spam email is still a problem, with up to 64% of people reporting email as spam because of long subject lines. It's also worth noting that more than a third of people will open an email if the subject is intriguing enough. If you're going to send out emails, it might be worth trying to make your subject line short – we're always working hard to keep our customers happy.


Improve your reply rates with hyper personalisation

Custom snippets like {{first_name}} or {{company_name}} can help you to make sure your emails are tailored to the recipient.

Personalized emails will work because the recipient sees that you took the time to write them personally with some interest.

Using AI like SmartWriter to do detailed personalisation has shown average 70% open rates

Previously, we've found our service produced higher reply rates by using SmartWriter to do detailed personalisation and found an increase of 17% from a mere 7%.(woodpecker) (smartwriter)

Increase open rates with split testing

We were able to boost open rates by 49% using A/B split testing in our email marketing campaigns.A/B split testing is often used in email marketing for boosting open rates. It helps us see what changes show the most promise and then make another test with slight variations

Follows increase reply rate

One way Woodpecker have increased response rates is by sending 4-7 emails in each sequence as opposed to just 1-3 emails. We've seen a 3x higher response rate because of this.

Longer campaigns have seen 27% reply rates as to 9% for shorter ones.


Email open rates, average business email open rates

In 2019, the global average open rate dropped to 22.1%, making it 8% lower when compared to 2018

Cold email response rates

When you're sending out cold emails, it's very likely that you're only going to get a response from 1% of the company. This is because of the low response rate for cold emails

Targeted cold emails result in a higher open rate than average.

Research has shown that the average open rate for business emails is anywhere from 14% to 23% (ConstantContact and MailChip.). However, you can increase your open rate by creating a targeted list with personalization and the right subject lines

For example, one interesting experiment that a newspaper in America conducted was an email campaign to the most successful executives in the country. They experimented with different subject lines, messages and lengths of emails.

45.5% of people opened the email, leading to 707 being emailed successfully. 293 emails bounced with a small success ratio, which might be due to the high number of subscribers on their list

Sending omni channel follow-up emails can triple your reply rate

Failing to follow up with potential clients is one of the cardinal sins of sales. This is especially true for cold email campaigns, as the more emails in a series you send, the more response rate you'll get.

In another example, campaigns with 4-7 emails per sequence received three times as many responses as campaigns with only 1-3 emails in a sequence


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