Maximizing Sales: The Return on Sales Formula for Maximum ROI

Return on sales is one of the most important metrics in measuring your business, and it helps in allocating budget. The figure is reported as a ratio between the revenue generated versus operating costs paid off. It shows how much profit comes from each dollar spent by you or others connected to this company.

ROS also known as the operating profit margin. This ROS financial ratio or financial metric calculates how efficiently your business generates profits from your sales revenue. In other words, it measures performance by analyzing what percentage of total company revenues turn into company earnings which your business can then reinvest back into business operations for even greater success. The losses show you room for improvement. 

If your company wants to make more sales revenue, you need to increase your return on sales. Your ROS is a key data point for you, and it will help show how much profit your business has made over time compared to other businesses with similar activities or products and what their ROI looks like. In this article, we shall understand the return on sales formula and maximize your sales.

What Is Return on Sales (ROS)?

The return on sales (ROS) ratio is one of the ways to evaluate a company's operational efficiency. A company's return on sales (ROS) measures how well your business turns its revenue into profit. It helps compare different businesses and sizes, as it only accounts for the operating margin in this calculation, although both must be similar in size or have been established using the same metrics before making any comparisons possible through ROS analysis alone. A high number can mean many opportunities to improve efficiency, leading directly towards greater profitability over time.

This ROS measure gives you insight into how much profit an organization produces per dollar of sales. The increase in the ROS is another indicator of how business is improving efficiency, and the decrease in the return on the sales is the signal for the financial troubles. With Dynamics CRM services, you will get significant increase in ROS through improved customer engagement and efficient pipeline management.

What Return on Sales Can Tell You

Return on sales, or ROS for short, is a ratio that shows how efficiently you're operating your business. An increasing number indicates an improving operational efficiency with each dollar of revenue, which will generate more profit per sale. Decreasing ratios can signal impending financial trouble.  With this metric, your business can improve its sales. 

The formula for calculating return on sales (return on sales calculator) is simple: net sales minus returns. Suppose the company reports both revenue and operating profit. In such a case, you need to remove any credit or refund gained from customers who returned merchandise to calculate your ROI properly.

Return on sales - ROS

In certain cases, it can be tricky to calculate return on sales because not all firms will list these numbers separately instead they might combine them under "net”. To get accurate results, we recommend looking at either metric preferred if possible and doing our best without including non-operating activities like taxes and interest charges with this calculation too since they're typically outside of management control. However, if you want to include taxes, use this sales tax calculator.

The first step to calculating your company's ROS is by identifying how much revenue you have. You can do this via two methods: net sales or actual dollar amount earned from customers who purchased products and paid for them in full with credit card transactions unless they were refunded upon return (which would appear as an additional line item).  Once that figure has been determined, we need to divide it up between all areas of our business, including marketing expenses like advertising campaigns and general operating costs such as rent/mortgage bills, etc., supplier discounts on materials used during production.

Net sales on the income statement can also be listed as revenue. Locate operating profit margin and net cash flow from the operations line in your company's financial report to find these important metrics for evaluating growth opportunities within your business model.

Dividing operating profit by net sales yields a return on sales (ROS) ratio that measures the performance of an organization by analyzing its efficiency in generating potential profits from top-line revenue. The calculation shows both efficient and profitable running businesses as it accurately reflects whether they are producing core products/services well while also being able to run them effectively, which leads us into our next topic: creditor reliance on this particular statistic because unlike other ratios such as EBITDA or Net Profit Margin. If there's too much optimism about future growth potentials, creditors may demand higher interest rates.

How To Calculate Return on Sales (ROS) with Return on sales formula?

The sales return is calculated by dividing the operating profit by the net sales. 

Return on sales formula

Imagine you're running a business with $500K in sales and 400k expenses. To calculate your return on sale, first determine profit by subtracting the Expense figure from revenue - 100 thousand dollars (in this example).  The final number of ROS is often reported as a percentage. In most cases, you need to be expected to multiply that by 100 and report your results. 

Difference Between ROS & Operating Margin?

Return on sales and operating profit metrics are usually utilized to describe a similar financial ratio. The main difference between each based formula. Operating income divided by net sales equals a return on sales. The operating margin is calculated by dividing operating income by net sales.

operating margin formula

Why Is Return on Sales (ROS) Important?

  • Return on Sales (ROS) is one of the most common metrics investors, stakeholders, and valuation services use to determine the business's financial health. The return on sales helps to determine the overall performance of the business.  
  • Many of the creditors and the stakeholders are curious about this metric because it gives an accurate overview of a business reinvestment potential, potential dividends, and the capability of paying back loans.
  • A company's revenue and expenses could vary over time, so higher revenue might not be the most accurate metric of a business's profitability. One way that ROS measures this consistency in performance is through its calculation for adjusted EBITDA margin (earnings before interest expense tax depreciation & amortization). 
  • This Return on Sales (ROS) number considers fluctuations like fluctuating income from cost-cutting or increased sales. It helps investors determine how much profit would exist without those additional factors impacting their bottom line.  A key feature of an ROI analysis is calculating numbers on two different periods (past vs. future). You needn't just look at returns generated during your initial investments but also what they've grown. 
  • In other words, ROS is calculated based on both revenues and expenses. In terms of return on sales, many industries use various other metrics. Good returns on sales ratios generally hover around 5%-10%. The best ones can go much higher than that.
  • ROS is also one of the more reliable figures for measuring year-over-year performance. Using ROS you can measure both the revenue and the expenses. A company's revenue and expenses could vary over time, so higher revenue might not be the most accurate metric of a company's profitability.
  • One of the most popular uses of return on investment (ROI) is to see how much money an organization could have invested and saved on certain areas. For example, some salespeople may ROS ratio as a tool to decide on where their company's resources should go so that they can gain more successful outcomes. The decision-making is based on past data like what has worked well previously but also taking the future possibilities into account such as new products coming out soon which could increase profits even further. 
  • ROS is used to compare the business success of the different organizations. The Return on Sales (ROS) differs from industry to industry. It would be a fair comparison of two companies in the same space. 


How to Increase Your Return on Sales To Maximum ROI

One of the best strategies to boost sales is to make a bigger gap between your business revenue and the product production cost. Here are some of the best ways your business can increase your sales. 

Increase Your Product Price 

The most direct & simplest way to increase your return on sale is by increasing the pricing of your product/services. It is the easiest way, and the business has complete control. Before increasing the pricing, it is more important to consider market research for better results. 

Do a complete reach before making a decision; otherwise, your business will negatively impact it. Avoid increasing your products/service price drastically without determining your business market position, resulting in less revenue or loss on business. This will worsen your return on sales. 

Try to Get Cost Reduction or Discounts on Your Product Inventory

Product inventory or resources are other elements of your sales expenses. If your company is reluctant to increase your product /service price, you need to explore other opportunities. One effective method is leveraging 3pl inventory management system to optimize your supply chain and reduce inventory costs. Additionally, you can reach the inventory suppliers and negotiate with them to get the product inventories at better pricing.

If you don't get into your budget, find out the other vendors willing to offer the inventories at a lower price. Otherwise, you can pursue a discount with the vendors that will impact production cost and help improve sales easily. 

Focus on Your Existing Customers 

Take advantage of the fact that sales from existing customers are typically more profitable than those with new ones. We have to pamper them and give some extras or offer specials that are not available to everyone. So that they feel special and become our regular buyers. At the same time, make sure these clients truly bring in profit. Ensure your customer is loyal and reinvest in your business before offering them special discounts or additional features. 

Reduce The Labor Cost

The best way to decrease labor costs is by investing more upfront. This may seem like an expensive process at first, but it will pay off in decreased costs later. This strategy may sacrifice short-term performance for long-term success. Your company must be willing and ready to afford these higher initial expenses if they hope to take advantage of increased productivity rates.

If you want to maximize your profits or sales, it's important to reduce the cost of labor. One way is by investing in training for employees to do their job more efficiently and effectively, which will lead them to work better as a team overall to achieve more sales.  

Improve Your Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency is the ability to work more efficiently. You can do this through technology solutions like CRM software that has been designed with automation tools in mind, making sure leads and other customer service issues don't slip through our cracks. Extending this approach to finance automation can significantly improve efficiency in areas like accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial reporting.

Utilize CRM software to improve your company’s efficiency. Use various tools for managing customer relationships and sales processes, including an easy-to-use interface that will help you work more effectively. Utilizing CRM tools can result in higher productivity and better quality control on leads or managing important contacts within their database. If you're an SME with limited resources, you can start with a budget-friendly CRM with email marketing software for small businesses.

Improve B2B Outreach Campaign

The best way to improve a B2B outreach email campaign is by implementing AI outreach tools for automation and making the best out of it. Your marketing and sales team can create hyper-personalized email messages and subject lines to get more email opens and responses. Implement an effective email outreach

Many businesses do social media or direct mail and wait for the leads to respond, but they need to implement a multi-channel follow-up. Reaching out to potential prospects through Linkedin will help your business establish a direct connection and build one-to-one relationships. Any time you can send out an email or run some ads on Facebook, make sure to follow up with everyone. Mastering your follow-up email will help your business be noticed in the crowded inbox of the recipients and increase sales.

How Do You Use Your Return on Sales Ratio?

Sales processes are designed to be as efficient and profitable, but the metrics that matter most for your company should drive its success. In general, it's a good idea if efficiency leads to a return on sales ratio because this will help you create an effective process without wasting too much time or resources on things like meetings when they aren't necessary. By identifying your business return on sales, you can discover how efficiently your business can turn sales into profits by calculating sales operations. Your company’s ideal  ROS ratio depends on the following few factors.


Compete with your competitors by generating a better return on sales ratio. Ensure that your labor cost and raw material prices are similar to theirs, so you can out-earn them if you generate more profit from every sale. By operating in similar environments and having labor costs that are not too different from your competition, you can outdo them if you generate a better return on sales ratio.

Industry Benchmarks

Make sure your return on sales average is 15%. If it's higher than that, you might be doing better than expected. A benchmark in the industry will help measure profitability. Benchmarks in your industry will help you determine the normal profitability level for this type of business. If the return on sales average 15%, and 18% ROS can be considered "reasonably good."

Business Trends

If your sales return ratio is up year after year, it shows that your business is becoming more profitable.  If a company with high ROS is a viable sign, the business will continue to grow and become even more profitable. If a 10% increase in return on sales means you're managing expenses well, which spells success for any company looking towards future growth opportunities. Reviewing your business ROS regularly will help you make the necessary changes to improve your business. 


The return on sales ratio is a valuable metric that shows how well your company can convert revenue into profit. If you want to maximize ROS, it's important to have the right marketing strategy in place and know what factors affect ROI for each of your products or services. With this knowledge, you'll be able to make decisions about pricing strategies with confidence, knowing if they will drive more customers through your doors while maximizing profits at the same time.  The above easy steps help you to calculate Return on Sales (ROS), so you can see where improvements are needed to maximize ROI.

To get the most out of your marketing efforts it’s important to understand how Return on Sales (ROS) can help you maximize sales. The ROS formula is a simple way to determine whether or not your advertising strategy is up-to-par with what competitors are doing and if any adjustments need to be made for you to create maximum ROI. It takes some time calculating ROS but once completed, the information will become invaluable when deciding which direction your business should take next. 

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