Polite Follow Up Email Sample: 5 Simple Approaches

On average, more than 4 billion people use email worldwide, and customers and businesses receive many emails every. So there is less chance of getting repose immediately for cold outreaches. It is the most challenging thing for any business. Through gentle reminders, you can take the chance to speed up the response.   

If the potential customer ignores your previous email, a polite follow-up email will help take the conversation on track. However, writing follow-up emails will be tricky for non-response customers. Therefore, before crafting, you need to decide what to do when sending them.

If you need to find a professional way of following up, including sending an overdue payment reminder email, this article will guide you on how to do it. Our guide will show you how to craft a polite, professional email that follows up on someone not replying to your business emails. We'll also provide practical examples of what to say and a helpful template to send follow-ups faster.

Why Do You Need To Send A Polite Follow-up Email?

If people don't respond to emails, then a gentle reminder to customers will develop a close relationship. It is an essential part of your email marketing strategy. A properly written email will help you achieve this, and in contrast, an unprofessional one can ruin the game.

A polite reminder message can help you build a robust and long-lasting relationship with your prospects to set up appointments and closing. These kind gestures will eventually help you take things forward quickly and strategically win the long game. 

To boost the chances of making that happen, you can use free email writing tools. These help ensure your emails sound professional, yet compelling enough to motivate recipients to move forward with the conversation. 

In any case, learning about gentle reminder techniques and customer service email etiquette is required to get more success. This  guide helps you to create a powerful gentle reminder email that can increase the response rate & conversion 

Why Is Polite Email Follow-up Important?

Having communication with the potential buyer will keep moving the projects. Always clients expect us to communicate with them regularly, even if we're busy. We need to remind them when we haven't heard back from them within a reasonable amount of time. This helps avoid delays and makes sure that we don't forget about them. Companies also use enterprise project management software to ensure that all project tasks and deadlines are managed effectively and no customer is left behind.

Sending friendly reminders will move the project towards the goal and avoid falling into the cracks.  It's also good to make sure that your client knows you'll be following up, otherwise you might feel like you're annoying them.

Mistakes To Be Avoided On Polite Follow-up Emails 

Here are some common mistakes that have to be avoided while writing a follow-up email. Then, let's look into the details that help you avoid common mistakes when writing a follow-up email. 

#1: Avoid Using Separate Follow up In Subject line

When writing a follow-up email, the subject line should avoid using follow-up as it does not add any value to the email and could make the reader ignore it. Rather than using the separate subject line for your follow-up, send follow-ups on the same subject of the email.

Writing an email subject line has to be relevant that is appropriate to the topic or purpose of the email. Instead of having a separate subject line, have the initial email subject line.

email subject line

#2: Ignoring The Call To Action (CTA)

When writing a polite follow-up email, common mistakes are forgetting to include a relevant call to action. CTA moves the reader towards what they need to do next. After reading the email message, it can be a callback, form submission, or website links. When composing a polite follow-up email, make sure to be clear and specific about what the email recipient should do. This will help boost the chances that they take action and convert into customers. 

#3: Starting Adding Value With Following up 

It's important to start with a clear introduction and add value to the person you email with. For example, rather than just using a phrase like "Just following up with my last email,"  it's better to provide a clear email opening with some value along with a required call to action.

#4: Don't Skip Proofreading and Checking Clarity

Always check your work for mistakes. Grammar, spelling, and typos can make your message look unprofessional. Also, check how easy it is to read your text. If you work in marketing and your pitch is hard to understand or has errors, it might harm your whole campaign.

After writing an email or a document, review it again. This helps you find and fix mistakes quickly. Use a good grammar checking tool to spot errors. You can also read your work out loud or use a rewording tool to make sure it's clear and easy to understand. A message full of errors or hard to read can make people think you don't care about details. Always aim to send clear, correct, and easy-to-read messages to show you are professional. In times of AI, it’s important to check not only for grammar and word choice but also for the human factor in your writing. To ensure your content sounds natural and engaging, consider using an AI content humanizer tool to make your text as human-like as possible.

#5: Missing To Following Up Quickly

Make sure to email sequence or follow up as soon as possible. This minimizes the chance of the recipient forgetting about your call to action and the steps you asked them to take. For example, if you're a real estate agent working as a solo practitioner or for a multi-platform property management company operating globally or locally like airbnb management, this is crucial, it's best to wait a few days before sending a gentle reminder that gets a response with a timeline or assurance that the task was completed.

Avoid waiting for 10 plus days to initiate the follow-up. It is good to start the reminder within 3 days of the initial outreach email. A longer wait will have a chance the recipient will forget your first email. When following up with your contacts, it's best to only wait a couple of days without sending a reminder before sending out an immediate follow-up email.

Simple Polite Follow-up Email Samples

Why does the polite follow-up email matter? Most sales professionals know that following up is an important aspect of the sales closing process, and unanswered emails will impact the sales closers. So it is essential to have a productive conversation through email, leading to faster sales.

If you follow up with prospective customers, then you'll get your emails responded to. Unfortunately, 80% of sales deals take five or more follow-ups to close. Therefore, polite follow-ups are the key aspect of influencing a close. But it has to be professional and not annoying to the prospect. We shall look into the best approach for sales follow up email samples that help you remember the options until your messages get a response.

1. Polite Follow-Up Email Sample After Not Receiving

Writing a polite follow-up email is all about understanding and sending a reminder to other people if they do not respond to your email. In some situations, the email receiver might open your first email but doesn't reply. Using the words like "I understand that you are busy" will show how your business understands the potential reasons a person may not have responded and acknowledges your email. Here's a follow-up email template for when a reply is not received.

In this email message, you need to have the elements like a reminder of your last email, a polite request for a quick call to understand their pain points better, and a request for the appropriate person to talk to. 

Dear {{Name}},

It was great chatting with you earlier on {Topic}. 

I'm just getting in touch to know whether you had a chance to review the email I previously sent to you. 

I understand that you're busy, but I request that you check your email and respond to me as soon as possible.

How does your calendar look like would you have a time for a 5-10 minute call? 

If not, do you know who is the appropriate person for me to speak to?

Keen to hear back from you.



2. Polite Following Up After Meeting At A Networking Event

While sending follow-up emails after meeting someone at a conference, networking event, or their office, give a quick reminder about what you have a business you discussed earlier with them clearly in your message.

Make your message polite and get to the point quickly. Sharing your mutual conversation will help the receiver recollect your previous conversation and make an easy reply. 

In this situation, your email needs to comprise the elements of how and when you met them (This helps the email receiver remind you), what you have discussed (Demonstrate the interest in what you have made conversation) and make the conversation going. Here are some of the meeting reminder email templates for your next campaign.

Hey {{First Name}}

I am glad to meet you at [Share where you met them - Name of the Event / Conference].

I would be happy to discuss [Share the Interest] further. Is there a time when we can talk about this week?

I would be grateful if you could email me back and let me know when it works for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you further!

Best Regards 


3. Politely Follow Up After A Call Or Demo Meeting

This section shall see how to write a follow-up on your demo request. Before sending a follow-up, make time and learn more about your potential prospect company. Then, find and reach out to the relevant member and welcome them to join your demo. Finally, in the follow-up email, appreciate their interest in your product demo, share social proof and invite appropriate team members to join us. Here is the follow-up template for your demo request.

Hey {{Name}}

We appreciate your time to complete our demo request. 

I appreciate your time and sharing your pain points. It helps us better understand your business needs and helps us to enables more user-friendly features, especially for you.

Your feedback is essential in regards to enhancing our product. Your insights are very helpful in shaping our platform to meet customer needs.

I have attached a case study on how one of our made successful changes and achieved its goal using [product or service] offerings. 

We look forward to speaking with you and following up with you this week to schedule a demo.



4. When Somebody Asked You To Follow Up Later

Let's take an example if you spoke to a prospective client and said they weren't ready to buy at this point. Turning away a prospect can be hard after telling them what they need but not being prepared to buy. So put a reminder in Smartwriter, and your follow-up message is automatically sent. So all that's left for you to do is pull them back into the conversation.

In this email follow up remember to include:

  • Give a polite reminder of what you have discussed with your prospect in the last communication. 
  • Give a request for a call to speak again about the solution for their pain points. 
  • After offering, try to answer the questions of the customer. 

Hi {{First Name}}

Greetings, You last asked me to get in touch with you in [amount of time] about [topic]. I wanted to follow up, so I'm reaching out to you.

I wanted to double-check you had looked over the proposal I shared earlier. I'm always happy to have a discussion about any concerns you may have

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have on the phone, or in-person if that suits you better.

If you could have a quick look at my proposal and get back to me, I'd like to know about your availability this week.



5. Asking For The Right Contact

This follow-up email works when you need to reach out to the right person, and this template will help guide you to the right contact quickly by asking you to reach out to the right person. It will be a great conversation opener. Instead of reaching out to the incorrect person, using this email template you can reach out to the right person quickly and more efficiently.

Please follow up after one or two emails with a friendly tone. You can also use this email template if you're unsure about who to email. It works best when you don’t get a response after one or two follow-up emails. If you are unsure about who you are contacting, our template is a good starting point for this conversation.

Hey {{First Name}},

We're surprised you haven't heard from us, but I'll be happy to introduce myself. 

{Give a small brief about your product & team} and I would like to talk about [Your Topic / Service / Benefits]?

Who is the ideal person to reach out to on your team to speak to about [Your Topic / Service / Benefits]?

Thanks in advance!



Polite follow-up emails are a necessary part of any successful business. By taking the time to send a polite email after an unsuccessful meeting or sale, you can often salvage the relationship and create future opportunities. The sample email we provided should help get you started on crafting your own polite follow-up message. 

The polite follow-up emails provide a way for you to stay top-of-mind with your prospects, remind customers about the benefits they get with your product, and show that you’re interested in helping them meet their needs. Although there is no one perfect formula for writing a follow-up email, the approaches we’ve shared should help get you started. 

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