11 Proven Lead Acquisition Tactics: Everything You Need to Know for Successful Sales

Lead acquisition is the process of acquiring new leads and converting them into your business's new customers. It's important to know that there is a process between getting new leads and converting them into clients. 

The lead acquisition includes 

  • Acquiring inbound leads (someone who visits your site/page etc.)
  • Conducting marketing campaigns at different stages to gain new leads.
  • Finding potential customers on social media networks.
  • Performing social media ads constantly reminds potential buyers about products or services. 
  • Advertisement on the specific industry and potential people to create more interest rather than just pushing products. 

Good lead acquisition is the key to your sales success. Getting potential leads and converting them into actual customers starts the lead acquisition process. Finding new clients for the business is the most challenging task. In this article, we shall get through the effective lead acquisition tactics that help your business get more customers in the future.

Difference Between Lead Generation vs. Lead Acquisition

Lead Generation and Lead Acquisition are closely related phrases with different meanings that are often conflated. Both the lead generation & the lead acquisition falls under customer acquisition. 

Customer acquisition funnel

The lead acquisition process starts when a new prospect becomes your target and ends with them becoming one of your highest valued clients. The lead acquisition involves finding the person and their information and creating a tailored message. The first step is lead qualification. 

Lead generation is the process of cultivating interest in your product or service to the consumer and turning that into a sale. In online marketing, this typically involves collecting visitors’ contact information (called a lead) via web form and nurturing them over time to turn those interested websites or social media visits into customers by following up in an email campaign or making cold calling to them directly. 

What Is Lead Acquisition?

Lead acquisition is the act of finding people who are interested in what you have to offer. It's all about identifying potential customers, building relationships with them, and converting those leads into paying clients. The acquisition process sounds simple but there are many different strategies involved in acquiring quality leads.

Best Lead generation practices and lead acquisition techniques are essential for the business's long-term growth. The lead acquisition process comes after the lead generation. The acquisition includes purchasing qualified leads, filtering them, and more. Businesses can start generating leads using Lead magnets.

While purchasing the leads, the sales and marketing team put their best to find the qualified leads on the email list and remove the non-qualified leads to maximize the sales conversion. We shall use some successful techniques to group the relevant targets for your business customer question process and convert them into successful leads.  Here is how the customer acquisition process will look like.

Plan Your Enterprise Lead Acquisition Budget

Acquiring potential customers in  b2b companies involves various sales and marketing steps to convert the leads into buyers. The primary goal of the business is to convert prospective customers into paying ones. The acquisition process is the first step in your sales funnel. You can use various marketing and sales strategies to begin. More effective lead capturing will result in a better conversion rate at each stage.

Once you've set your lead acquisition goal, you should define what kind of lead you're looking for. This will determine how you can best reach out to potential buyers. For example, if you want to generate warm leads, then you might consider using a landing page instead of a pop-up. A landing page is often used to gather information about someone before they are opt-in to receive further communication. 

The lead acquisition funnels include Google ads to landing pages or Facebook ads, lead magnets, exit-intent popup, social media posts with added content upgrades for blog readers who subscribe through the website, and email campaigns. The goal should be that your potential clients receive as many contact points from your business in their inboxes before deciding "yes" on a purchase.

11 Proven Lead Acquisition Methodology For Successful Sales

It's important to know where your leads are coming from in the process of acquiring them. The quality and time it takes to convert that lead will depend on its origin, so be sure you're targeting relevant prospects with an effective marketing campaign.

Many businesses acquire their new leads from the website or landing pages. You can also purchase leads from vendors.  Here we help you with 11 proven client acquisition tactics to find the ideal prospects and increase your lead acquisition effectiveness for your business offerings.

1. Identifying The Right Vendor

While choosing the vendor for your business to acquire leads, make sure you identify the right vendor and do as much research as possible to learn about them. 

It is important because it will be very difficult to know the vendors if there are no reviews when you are looking for leads from a new source. When deciding to purchase leads, ensure what kind of quality control measures they have and the data accuracy of the leads. 

Your business needs to know about the vendors as much as you can and avoid buying reads from unknown buyers. After purchasing the leads from the vendor, make sure that the email address and the potential targeted leads are valid. Remove the incorrect or non-valid emails on the list. Your business can use the Smartwriter email finder to identify the quality leads and verify them in no time. 

2. Validate and Classify Your Leads For Better Results

The first and foremost thing is to sort the leads your business has generated via the website, LinkedIn, and other marketing channels and the leads bought from the various vendors.


The sales & marketing team can further categorize the leads you’ve generated from the website and LinkedIn account as those with specific interests or demographics. 

Secondly, you can also group people who want your product or service offerings through other channels like direct mail, trade shows, events, etc. There is no way to know their preferences since they haven't expressed interest in any particular way prior, for these, we will require more ample lead magnets designed specifically based on the client's needs. 

Categories the leads based on the customer level of interest in your product or services. It is best to split them based on the traffic and lead sources. Using a LinkedIn tool for lead acquisition and outreach will simplify your process.

3. Optimize Your Call to Action Button (CTA)

Ensure that your call to action button (CTA) in the website provokes users or visitors to provide information like name and email addresses. 

Here are some important things you need to consider while creating the CTA button. 

Your CTA button needs to be contrasting to the background to grab the user's attention. If the CTA button blends with the background color, one can notice the button. So ensure the CTA is attractive for the readers. 

The text in the CTA button needs to show the visitor what comes if they click the button. For instance, if your website offers the visitor an eBook, then the text of the CTA button needs to be like Download Free ebook. The text in the CTA button has to be simple, clear, and meaningful. It has to state what will happen if someone clicks the button. 

The placement of your call to action is crucial. Make sure you position it where people's eyes go naturally and keep them focused on that point for as long as possible with simplicity in design (use white space wisely), copy length, etc. Here is a perfect call to action button from Netflix. 

Netflix call to action button
Image: Source

4. Build an Irresistible Personalized Offer

When you acquire leads on your own, you may easily filter them out and choose any demographic that best suits you. This will allow your businesses to create more personalized offers from beginning a new campaign or event, eliminating guesswork.  

After you find valuable leads and create a strong relationship with them, it’s important to make your offer irresistible. For example, provide an enticing portion of services or products while promising that they will get all the benefits if they become one of your customers. 

The best part of offering a valuable part of your product or services will help the user to make a better purchase decision and enable them to become your customer. Ensure you are using a clear, simple, personalized CTA.

5. Build A Value-Packed Newsletter

You can use the content as a lead magnet by creating an engaging, must-read newsletter for potential customers. This will allow you to stay top of your potential customer’s minds and enable you to share your product promotions. Sending newsletters to the potential targets will drive them into the purchase or sales funnel. 

Your newsletter content approach can be about upcoming events, special offers, recommended reads from industry experts, product/service updates, and published new blog posts. 

6. Make Use Hard-Hitting Lead Magnets

Individuals will not buy your product or service the first time while visiting your website. They will always look around for the best product or services at affordable prices. 

Though, your business can collect the visitor's name and email address at the first visit to your website. Getting the visitor’s data is not a bad deal. Using lead magnet play a significant role in capturing the email address of the warm leads. 

That's a great strategy for capturing the right prospect and their email addresses at the point of sale. You can offer free checklists, eBooks, or courses in exchange for their valuable contact information on the first visit. Then follow up with them through a newsletter or offering valuable blogs, tutorials, etc., until they convert as a customer. 

7. Exit Intent Popup

Implement popups using acquisition software like Hello Bar; when the user exits the webpage. It is known as the exit-intent popup. According to a study, usage of the exit-intent popup in the webpages is increasing 600% more subscribers for your business. 

Exit intent popup Example
Image: Source

Exit-intent is a technology that enables your user to see a popup just as they're about to close a tab. This is a great way to get them to engage with your site. One of the best tactics every business utilizes is a popup on the user's screen when they're about to close their tab or navigate away from our site. This triggers them to pause and interact with the popup again, thereby increasing their chance of engaging in your message. It is the way to grab a visitor's attention.

Exit-intent popups generally provide great results when it comes to lead capture. You can easily obtain the email addresses of the visitors by offering a compelling reason to subscribe. The stats say that exit-intent popup increases over 8.5% conversion rates. Your sales and marketing effort can’t go wrong with an exit-intent popup. You can get more accurate lead data to a successful sales conversion. 

8. Homepage Email Capture

Homepage Email Capture
Image: Source

The website home page is the cover of your website. Your home page is likely one of the most visited pages on your website pages, so optimize this area for conversions by adding an email capture form in strategic spots throughout or at least near any important navigation links (i.e., the "Contact Us" button). You can also include social media icons if they're not already present. These will help give visitors another way to leave their info, and it is the best marketing strategy to increase the conversion rate.

When the customer clicks on an article, they're most likely visiting the home page before leaving. Your website homepage is the first impression to your potential customers, Where they will get to know about you. This page needs to provide information and convey an exciting and engaging atmosphere, so visitors want more. Homepage email capture implementation is simple. 

9. Facebook Lead Ads

If your business has Facebook pages, you can start using the Facebook lead ads to acquire leads. Facebook lead ads offer you a huge return. 

Facebook lead ads are a great way to generate leads because they require very little from you and can provide big returns. With Facebook's pre-populated forms, people will have their contact information already filled in with yours for easy download. You can easily create your email lists with Facebook lead ads.

With only a few taps, you can get your email list ready. The Facebook lead ad format is a great way to engage with your user and it offers extremely targeted options. This means that you will generate super qualified email leads from the platform, making this an excellent choice for marketers who want more than just casual followers on their pages or those looking for established customers interested in purchasing products/services. 

10. Utilize Twitter Lead Cards

Like Facebook, Twitter is also one of the big social networks where your business can start generating leads more easily using the social media network. 

You can use Twitter's Lead Cards to collect email addresses in exchange for an offer. This is one of the most effective lead generation techniques. Let’s see how it works, Twitter has a particular feature called “Lead Cards” that allow business or Twitter users to build their lead list for their marketing campaigns by posting offers and then collecting information on the exchange. It is the most effective technique to collect lead information like email addresses. 

Likewise, You can create a Twitter campaign to offer your followers an eBook or other resources to sign up and claim the deal with just one click. Here is the best example of the HP Cloud Twitter cards for acquiring leads 

 HP Cloud Twitter cards

Image: Source

11. Educational Email Series

Make the email sequences to get your potential targets interested in your product or services.  Effective lead capturing and sending educational emails will enable your business to educate your potential leads with your short, personalized daily. 

Instead of asking website visitors to sign up for your newsletter, provide them with an educational email series. The tone should be personal and informative to make the visitor feel like you're addressing their specific needs. 

Implement the email strategies and automate your email sequences based on customer behavior. Send personalized behavioral email series will improve deliverability and improve your business sales conversion. Using Smartwriter you can create a compelling, personalized email sequence and create a landing page that helps you to acquire leads. 

Smartwriter personalized email sequence


Are you struggling to get leads? There's no need for that anymore. We compiled a list of 11 different lead acquisition techniques to find the one that works best for your business. To recap, the difference between lead generation and lead acquisition focuses on raising awareness of your product or service, while acquiring leads are people who want to learn more about what you offer. 

There are various methods to increase your lead acquisition rates. We hope this article has given you some inspiration and ideas for growing the number of leads in your sales pipeline or sales process. One final note identifies what type of content approach is most likely to generate interest and when that content should be published or shared on social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, and more.

Understanding the difference between lead generation and lead acquisition is important because successful campaigns will produce more potential customers or clients. We encourage you to try some of these acquisition strategies to understand better how they can help grow your business today. 

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